Undersecretary, Climate Change Division, Dr Hartini binti Mohd Nasir
from the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment & Climate Change


1. Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and a very good evening to all esteemed  guests and international and Malaysian delegates gathered here at the  closing ceremony of the Malaysia Pavilion. 

2. Malaysia Pavilion is a medium of soft diplomacy, which we aim to tell  the compelling stories of Malaysia's efforts and progress in combating  climate change. Embraced by the theme "Going Beyond: Green  Growth, Resilient Community, and Sustainable Planet," our collective  journey over the past 11 days has been nothing short of extraordinary.  We have proudly exhibited the results of our combined efforts, firmly  anchored in a comprehensive whole-of-nation approach 

3. I am deeply honored to share with you a momentous occasion that has  left an historic mark on our pavilion – the official launch by His Majesty  Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong on 1  December 2023. The royal presence signifies the highest level of  commitment to address climate change and the urgency which we  must act. 

4. This pavilion has successfully hosted over 28 panel discussions,  showcasing insights from more than 60 speakers. I am delighted to  announce that we have welcomed over 3000 visitors from every corner  of the globe.  

5. This pavilion has indeed become a witness to the strength of  collaboration and partnership, exemplified through the exchange of  Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs). The partnership between the  Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) and Masdar,  resulting in a remarkable USD 8 billion investment into renewable  energy projects will helps Malaysia to achieve our aspirations as net  zero nation. Building on this momentum, the exchange of MoUs with  key players such as TNB, Malakoff, Cypark, Citaglobal, UEM and  many other local companies further amplify our collective dedication to  position Malaysia as a frontrunner in the global transition to renewable  energy. 

6. Our mission here extends beyond the pavilion, and we have actively  engaged in bilateral meetings to secure collaborative efforts. We  recognize the need for financial assistance to fuel our initiatives, for  capacity building to empower our endeavours and for collaboration to  amplify our impact.


Ladies and gentleman,  

7. Our journey here has not yet ended as COP28 is expected to wrap up  its work on Tuesday. Our negotiation team is still at the negotiation hall,  ensuring that the decision will be based on our agreed principles,  common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.  In echoing the minister's national statement on 9th December during  the Resume High Level Segment, I emphasize that Malaysia are ready  to elevate our initiatives and climate ambition with increased financial  support and technical assistance. 

8. Through our cultural exchange, we have had the privilege of  showcasing our local narrative to combat pollution through the  captivating performances of our ‘Wayang Kulit’ group, represented by  “Sang RE" and “Sang EE". We proudly offer our pulled tea or "teh  tarik", ensuring that our audience will also immerses themselves in the  diverse and multiracial essence that characterizes Malaysia.  

9. To all the visitors who graced us with your presence, thank you for  taking this journey with us. Your curiosity, enthusiasm, and  engagement have added vibrancy to our pavilion, turning it into a  space of dialogue and shared experiences. 

10. A special appreciation goes to our sponsors and partners, contributors,  speakers, members of Climate Change Advisory and Consultative  Panel and the dedicated team behind the scenes from NRECC, MGTC and BCG. Your tireless efforts have transformed this pavilion into a hub  of inspiration and collaboration. 


Ladies and gentleman,  

11. In the spirit of unity, let us carry forward the lessons learned, the  memories shared, and the dreams envisioned within these walls. Our  pavilion might be closing, but the chapters of collaboration, innovation,  and exchange continue to unfold after COP28.  

12. On behalf of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and  Climate Change, once again I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all  who have contributed to this remarkable showcase – from  policymakers to state government, from industry leaders to community 

advocates. Thank you for being a part of this incredible ‘going beyond’ journey.  

13. Kepada rakyat Malaysia yang akan pulang ke tanah air, semoga  selamat kembali ke tanah air dan Insyaallah kita akan berjumpa lagi di  Malaysia dan pada COP yang akan datang.  

14. On this note, I am pleased to announce the closing of the Malaysia  Pavilion at COP28. 

Thank you.