5 DEC | Navigating the Risk and Rewards on Just Transition for the Global South

Panel Talking Points

Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad
Minister of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC)

Thematic Zone C - Blue Zone I 11 AM

1. Introduction and National Commitment:

  • Thank colleagues for the opportunity to participate in the panel discussion.
  • As a nation of over 800 islands, environmental protection is a national priority, woven into the fabric of Malaysia's cultural and natural heritage.

2. Challenges Faced by Malaysia:

  • Deforestation: over the past three years, rates have remained at their lowest since 2003, and we are working to drive them even lower.
  • Palm oil: capped the expansion of oil palm plantations. This means that existing industries and trade are forced to be innovative with what we already have, ensuring that livelihoods are not destroyed overnight.
  • Malaysia is still a developing nation and 40% of jobs in Malaysia are in export industries. We need understanding partners that can work with us on best practices.
  • Strike a balance between economic development and environmental preservation.

3. National Initiatives for Climate Action:

  • Highlight the Malaysian Green Growth Strategy, focusing on renewable energy development, sustainable agriculture, and efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
  • We are aiming for 100% sustainability and traceability in our supply chain.

4. International Collaboration:

  • EU negotiations on palm oil are progressing well.
  • Recognition of other certification standards: Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
  • Sharing knowledge and technology is important for sustainable development, but can create power imbalances regionally and internationally.
  • We cannot endure many of the disastrous effects of climate change and also be locked out of support and decision-making processes to bring it under control.

5. Equitable Solutions:

  • Emphasise the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities among nations tailored to capacity and capability, not just power and influence.
  • Every nation should be on the same path, but we must acknowledge and respect where each one is on that path.
  • Advocate for support from developed nations to assist developing countries towards targets: if the global north insists on setting them, help us meet them.
  • Provision of climate tech should not represent leverage in other trade or negotiations between nations.
  • Joint efforts to address climate change should be taken out existing power hierarchies / not create any new ones.